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Events and Seminars


The call for the National Evaluation Plan 2018/19 to 2021/22 is out and has been sent to the Director General’s office in each department. All national departments who are interested to submit a proposal for an evaluation are invited to attend the Concept Note Workshop where DPME Evaluation officials will be available to assist them in preparing a draft concept note. The training session is aimed at branch heads, programme managers and M&E staff. Officials should confirm with Siphesihle Dumisa at should they wish to attend.

Date: 17 May 2017

Time: 08:00 - 16:30

Venue: Pretoria (location to be advised upon rsvp)

For any queries please contact Siphesihle Dumisa at


DPME at the Uganda Evaluation Week

Mr Antonio Hercules and Ms Nokuthula Zuma represented the Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation at the Ugandan evaluation week 2014. The 2nd annual Uganda evaluation week took place at the Hotel Africana between the 21 and 23 May 2014. The evaluation week is a significant event in the Ugandan government calendar with it being organised by the Office of the Prime Minister in partnership with the Uganda Evaluation Association. 

This year the conference focused on “Building evaluation capacity, culture and practices in Uganda” and centred on sharing practical experiences on how capacities for evaluation at individual, institutional and systemic levels can be built and how improved evaluative culture and practices will lead to the use of empirical evidence to inform management processes in Uganda. The evaluation week brought together M&E practitioners and managers from Uganda, other African countries and the international community. 

For more information please click here


S Africa-Presentation to Uganda Evaluation Week.pdfSouth Africa:Presentation to Uganda Evaluation Week




Matodzi Amisi, director: evaluation & research, Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation, The Presidency, Republic of South Africa, discusses the government’s national evaluation system and the challenges of evidence-based policymaking to watch the video click here

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