Socio Economic Impact Assessment System (SEIAS)
In South Africa, Cabinet decided on the need for a consistent assessment of the socio-economic impact of policy initiatives, legislation and regulations in February 2007. The approval followed a study commissioned by the Presidency and the National Treasury in response to concerns about the failure in some cases to understand the full costs of regulations and especially the impact on the economy.
To implement the Cabinet decision, from 1 October 2015 Cabinet Memoranda seeking approval for draft policies, Bills or regulations must include an impact assessment that has been signed off by the SEIAS Unit. Cabinet Memoranda have been reviewed for departments to include information generated by the SEIAS in the recommendations. In addition, the Memoranda provide for a summary of the main findings of the final impact assessment as well as annexing a full report (refer to the Presidency Guide for the Drafting of the Cabinet Memoranda ). Policies and Regulations that are internally signed by Ministers should also be subjected to SEIAS.
The implementation of SEIAS is overseen by an Interdepartmental Steering Committee made up of Senior Officials of the Presidency (Cabinet Office), DPME, Economic Development Department, National Treasury, Department of Trade and Industry, Department of Environmental Affairs, Department of Labour, Department of Public Service and Administration,Department of Social Development, State Security and the Chief State Law Advisors. The Steering Committee is intended to provide guidance and support and to oversee the implementation of SEIAS. DPME will be responsible for the establishment of a SEIAS unit to ensure the implementation, quality control and capacity support for SEIAS across government. It will be responsible for ensuring that the guidelines and templates are regularly updated and it will support the institutionalisation of the new system.