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Deputy Minister Manamela gives feedback to Phagameng stakeholders regarding the need for a new high school
Deputy Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Mr Buti Manamela, together with the MEC for Education in Limpopo, Mr Ishmael Kgejepe, today, met with Forum of School Governing Bodies from the Phagameng community, in Modimolle, Limpopo Province.
Over the past five years the community has raised a need for a new high school, given that the 5 primary schools in the area feed into only 2 high schools. The area is within Deputy Minister Manamela’s parliamentary constituency at Lim368 Local Municipality (formerly Modimolle Local Municipality).
Although the government has agreed in principle on the need for a new school, and prioritized it, the limited budget had made it difficult to establish the school.
Government’s own assessment of infrastructure in the area, with the help from CSIR, indicates that there is a need of about 40 classrooms in the area.
As a result of the infrastructure review, the following projects are currently underway, or in the pipeline;
·         a water and sanitation project at Solomon Mahlangu High School, by the Mvula Trust,
·         twelve classroms at Hector Peterson Primary School by IDT,
·         water project at Mukhari Secondary School by Mvula Trust, and
·         water and sanitation project at Mokolo Primary School by the Mvula Trust
The new school, Mmaphuti Manamela High School, has now been listed as number 1 priority in the district, making it one of the 13 schools prioritized by the provincial government in the 2017/18 financial year.
“Our government is committed to providing education infrastructure that keeps up with population growth to ensure quality learning and teaching takes place” said Deputy Minister Manamela
The provincial Department of Education will continue to consult with the community as the process to establish the school unfolds.
For more information please contact, Mr Maseema Mphafane on 0829532793 from Department of Education in Limpopo & Ms Matshepo Seedat on 0826799473 from office of the Deputy Minister in the Presidency
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